Digital Archive of Medieval Song

Hyele be in 19.3.1

ff. 65-65v
NIMEV: 1032
DIMEV: 1691
Other Witnesses
  • Hyele be in Mendeville (fake)
  • BL Royal 12.E.I, ff. 193-194v
  • BL Harley 2253 ff. 79rb
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    Heyle be þu mary þo moder of cryste heyle be þo bleste þat euer bare chylde heyle be þu conseyuyde all by lyste þi son ihu bothe meke and milde heyle meydon swete þat neuer was fylde heyle weyle and wytte of all wysdum heyle feyrer þen þo flowre vnfylde Ave Regina celorum heyle comly qwene comforth of care heyle godly lady bothe feyr and bryght heyle þo socur of all owre sare heyle þo lampe þat lenys hus lyght heyle godly lady in þe was plyght þo Ioy of mon bothe all and sum heyle tabarnabull hee on heyght Mater Regys angelorum heyle cumly qwene þo feyryst of all heyle in þe owre blys is bredde heyle on þe all wemen wyl call when þei with chylde ben by stedde heyle þat all fyndes wyll drydde and schall do to þo dey of dom with meydyns mylke þi chylde þu fydde O Maria flos virginum heyle þo feyryste of all gud [...] heyle þat god schase to his borore heyle þo lampe þat euer is lyghtand To hye and lowe to ryche and pore heyle swetur þen ony savowr heyle þat all owre Ioy of come heyle of all wemen frute and flowre velud Rosa vel lillium heyle gudly grownder of all grace heyle blestefull starne of þo see heyle þo saluer of owre solase heyle þo chese of chastite heyle þo well of all mercy heyle þat bare god of heyvn heyle þo tempull of þo trinite funde preces ad filium heyle blestfull virgyn of all virgyns heyle meydyn moder and blestfull mey heyle þe norse of swete Ihu heyle gudly qwene as þu wele mey heyle he lady to þi son þu prey þat we mey cum to his kyngdome for hus and for all oder þu prey Et pro salute fidelium
  • View Texts of Other Versions
    • Heyle 2 (fake)
      dodo mama dede teup rot slinma plede kieu mrav de tootou plam
  • View Song: Heyle be þu mary þo moder of clryste
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